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New Website, Evolving Vision

Honeybee Sanctuary

Save the Honeybee Foundation is ten years old!

Throughout these ten years we have continued to develop and

evolve our vision and mission. One of the ways this has manifested

is our gradual realization of the importance of the protection of all

pollinator species, beyond just our beloved honeybees.

Native bees, bumblebees, flies, wasps, butterflies, moths,

hummingbirds, and more; all of these creatures are part of the

essential web of life that keeps food on our tables and ecosystems

intact and flourishing. Without them life as we know it is finished

on this planet.

In the ten years of our existence, our organization has made what

we feel is a lasting contribution to the raising of awareness about

the plight of honeybees in our increasingly toxins-filled environment.

From our sponsoring of the film "Vanishing of the Bees," to

funding the creation of multiple honeybee forage sanctuaries, to

disseminating helpful information to individuals, classrooms,

gardeners, backyard beekeepers and honeybee activists, we feel we

have followed the call that we heard 10+ years ago and tried to

share that passion with the world.

Over the years, we have been contacted by countless young people

concerned about the bees. Many were working on school

or community projects, but many were just kids who had heard

about the troubles facing bees and wanted to know how they could

help. We feel so heartened by the interest shown by these young

people--they give us hope that change, though it can appear slow

as molasses, is truly occurring in how we view our environment

and humans place in it.

So please join us in wishing Save the Honeybee Foundation a

happy 10th anniversary, and tune in as we expand the focus of our

vision to include all our pollinator allies, and welcome the

inception of our new website.

May all beings bee happy. May all beings bee free.

-The Save the Honeybee Foundation team

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