Thanks to the terrific investigative journalism by the crew at the BBC World Service, the company that had been using our name illegally for the past two years, pretending to donate to our charity, has been exposed and forced to take their many websites off the web.
Again, thank you to all who alerted us to this situation. And especial thanks to Sean Allsop at the BBC for following the story to its end. You can hear all about it on the BBC on 11/28/20
when the story goes live.
I am in Sydney, Australia and just listened to the BBC program. I was disgusted by the exploitation (by the greedy!) of such a fantastic cause as yours. I looove what you are doing - even though I am green with envy of your beautiful house in your gorgeous environment!! Have you heard of The Elephant and The Bee project in Kenya? Saving African elephants and farming crops by using their 'heroic' African honey bees! All bee saving projects are fabulous and need to be supported not exploited by people too stupid to come up with their own ideas of how to make money ethically! Keep up the good work!